Wind Sock

Wind Sock
Wind Sock

The aviation Wind Sock also developed from the weathervane aspect and is used as a weather instrument. Some credit for the invention of the windsock is given to the Chinese. They flew kites as far back as 500 BC. Some were shaped like socks with an open end.

Wind Sock

Streamer Windsock: There are many different windsock streamers you can make which include; USA windsock, St. Patrick's windsock, Ghost windsock, flag windsock and many more. A wind sock is made by taking a regular paper of any color and gluing the short sides together. Then you will glue or tape your paper streamers to one end of the paper cylinder and to the other some string for your handle.

Wind Sock

Wind Sock

Wind Sock

Wind Sock

Wind Sock

Wind Sock
Wind Sock


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