Boot Socks

Boot Socks
Boot Socks

The Tech Sox(TM) Motorcycle boot socks are custom designed for cruising and touring. These revolutionary socks increase the comfort level for riders in all weather conditions. By keeping the foot dry, fresh and breathing, they stay warmer in the cool weather and cooler in the warm weather.

Boot Socks

Dress in layers for warmth from head to toe when headed for cold climates. Materials such as fleece and high blends of polyester will keep personnel warm and dry. Long sleeves and long pants over base layer clothing will improve performance dramatically. Vests and jackets with hoods provide protection from wind and snow. A long-sleeved coat that does not prohibit movement can be worn on top. Protect the head with a watch cap for bitter cold weather. Gloves with special lining keep the hands warm. Protect the feet and ankles with boot socks. Wear hiking or tactical boots with warm interiors and sturdy exteriors.
Boot Socks

Boot Socks

Boot Socks

Boot Socks

Boot Socks

Boot Socks
Boot Socks


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