Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up
Pull Your Socks Up

Should you see your ex, try being nice and friendly without getting upset or nasty. After all, your aim is to get your ex back. Ask them why they left, listen. You might find it's something fixable and if so, fix it. Don't wallow in self pity, feeling sorry for yourself. Instead pull your socks up, start doing whatever you can to show you're willing to change. Get help from them. As long as you try to change your bad habits your ex will think you deserve a second chance.

Pull Your Socks Up

This pretty much covers the above and much more. Above all else take pride in what you do. If you don't have pride in what you produce then either pull your socks up or don't bother at all. It will take effort but pride in your work and yourself shines through to your product, your staff and your clients!

Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up

Pull Your Socks Up
Pull Your Socks Up


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