Fuzzy Socks
Make a daily habit of feeling grateful and appreciative of everything you have, see, and experience in your daily activities. It is important to be grateful for the blessing of a roof over our head, food on our table and family that loves us, but it just as important to give thanks for the interesting new people you meet, a beautiful sunrise, the birds that chirp by your window, a great cup of coffee, warm fuzzy socks, a stranger's wink, or anything else that brings a smile to your face. A great way to practice gratitude is to write 10 things that you are grateful for in a gratitude journal each night before you go to bed.
Grey is a very nice color for some things: like a business suit, warm fuzzy socks, or even hair! But it's a really sorry color for your life, for copywriting, internet business marketing, important first dates, fast fancy race cars, lipstick, etc.
Fuzzy Socks
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