Black And Gold Socks

Black And Gold Socks
Black And Gold Socks

Other features to look for when selecting socks are color and design. Today's leading brands have broken away from the traditional boring black, navy and grey conservative colors, and have evolved their ranges to include an explosion of color and design never before seen, allowing men to finally express their personality through their choice of socks. The last ten years have seen a slow but dramatic change in the mens fashion accessory category with the injection of vibrant colors and unprecedented designs.

Black And Gold Socks

Today's designer socks are made up of a multitude of exciting patterns in a veritable rainbow of color and style. On the other hand for the more conservative man, there are still opportunities available to show a subtle injection of color in a sock using darker base colors such as black or navy. It is important to remember when selecting your socks, to select a color that is apparent elsewhere in your outfit.

Black And Gold Socks

For example, if your tie shows shades of red, select a sock with red. This will add balance to your look. It is not necessary to exactly match the designs of your accessories and often the more mismatched, the better, providing you have kept with the rule of colors working together. It is also not necessary to only use your tie as the guide for your sock selection - a scarf, pocket square, or cufflink could be the accessory which sets the basis for your decision.

Black And Gold Socks

Black And Gold Socks

Black And Gold Socks
Black And Gold Socks


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