Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern
Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Marionette is the fourth easy kids crafts. Get creative as you explore the puppet making craft. There are numerous options when constructing puppets. The easiest form to make is the sock puppet. A little glue and felt goes a long way when creating your puppet creature. Any supplies laying around the house will suffice. If you'd like to put on a more sophisticated show than make a wooden puppet using wood dowels and fishing line to move your wooden puppet. There are kits available to help you produce this amazing puppet effortlessly. Kids can put on their own puppet shows whenever they wish to.

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

If you happened to work in the tech industry during the web 2.0 boom you will remember the good old days. Offices with built in kegerators, video game lounges and foosball tables sprung up all across Silicon Valley. Many employees spent more time designing the corporate sock puppet than plugging holes in the corporate business model. During a phone interview, consider the word "foosball " as a tripwire for passing on the next interview cycle. A little fun and games is a great way to spruce up interoffice relations, but you should be able to spot a throwback from a mile away.

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern

Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern
Mouse Sock Puppet Pattern


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